Tuesday, April 24, 2012

NR #4: Second Chance

I drew this picture on Paint.net. And as you can see, I'm not a magnificent artist like you guys. I'm a bad drawer and I'll never be a good one. I drew the main character, Holly, who was between 25-30 years old. She got a problem between her marriage with her husband because as her feeling, she felt that maybe they weren't meant to be with each other. Her husband, Marcus, seemed to be ignoring the family and just focusing on works. Holly felt very disappointed and she wondered that, "Is that love real?" I demonstrated her thinking in the picture.  

NR #3: Max [Maximum Ride]

I tried to update the new style of making these kinds of image. Hope you won't bother, Miss Patrice?! ^^. I think I'm inlove with making these kinds of icon because it looks very special and professional. I made this character to look just similar to Max, the main character in the book. She is a brave teenager that always makes some decisions and responsibilities for the Flock. Once again, I putted lots of textures that I'd found on the Internet. For the font, I downloaded it and it was taking like 15 minutes to download that font. The website that I used was given by my friend, Pearl. She didn't own that website but I think that she helped me how to make these kinds of icon for this novel reflection. The reason I did this wasn't be showing off or being "I'm better and you're not". No way. I'm not doing that because of that saying. So please don't judge me for who I am if you're being like that saying above. For Miss Patrice, do you think these icons are good and what should I need to improve on? 

NR #2: Star Dancer

Saturday, April 21, 2012

NR #1: Hex Hall

Sophie found out that she is a witch on her 12th Birthday. That was a surprise for her but however, Sophie truly loved her magic and the way magic was being used. She was sent to a wizard school which was where she met three beautiful mean wizards who were the first 3 who made friends with Sophie. They told her that this school is full of faeries, wizards, etc. From one or two days later, there was a murder and the school suspected that the murderer was Sophie's roommate, Connie Talbot. Sophie was completely shocked about that because in her own eyes, Connie is a sweetest friend that she has ever met. Connie also said that she wasn't the murderer. The school was temporary believe in her. Sophie was in danger. Mostly all of the boys in her school were trying to kill her but luckily, she got protected by her friends. What will happen to Sophie at Hex Hall? Will she get what she wanted? Will she escape from what she is trying to do? Read it and find out what will happen next (:.