Tuesday, May 29, 2012

NR#15: Something Blue

     For everyone, blue is the color that stands for sadness. Darcy Rhone, an independent woman, who never count on anyone else but her fiancé, Dex and her best friend since 6th grade, Rachel. She thought that everyone would be better when she had those two beside. She didn't expect to go worse in her life with those two. However, she accidentally saw her most-trusted friend, Rachel, stole her fiancé. Darcy was going nut that day. She was shouting, she was scolding, she tried everything to forget Rachel and her fiancé. Darcy found a way to hurt Dex by being with Marcus.And until when she was having pregnant, Marcus dumped her because he knew that she just wants to make Dex and Rachel jealous. Darcy asked her fifth-grade boyfriend, Ethan, if he lets her stay at London with him for a while and Ethan agreed.
     Finally, Darcy Rhone decided to flee back to London to resort for some peaceful moment, to forget about everything that just happened. It was such a huge stress for Darcy. She couldn't handle it but, she was trying to. The goal that Darcy made was to forget about everything that just happened (losing her best friend, being cheated by her best friend, breaking up). She is on her way to find the true, hidden forgiveness, friendship, love and motherhood.
     Darcy Rhone, who used to spend a glamorous life, now is on her way to refresh it. It's time to change everything that she used to have. Will Darcy reach her goal? Will she find what she needs to find? Will the destiny of Darcy will be better if she restarts a new beginning of her life? Something blue.. the blue of sadness and hopeless moments. Read and enjoy how Darcy spend her life on a new beginning and how she got the guts to achieve them.

Monday, May 28, 2012

NR#14: Plague (Gone series)

          It has been eight months, eight months of the "poof!" of the adults. Still gone. They've survived the hunger. The Darkness, the lord of the death, who is being faced by the FAYz. Caine, Sam's mysterious brother, told the FAYz that Sam isn't the person who they're searching for, he's not truly a leader. Sam, who was still traveling around, finding the way to free the FAYz without facing the death. 
          God, for everyone, is the one who is on the bright and peace side. God is the one who everyone could count on. However, that statement was wrong for the FAYz. God is the Darkness. He is the Darkness. First, everyone was being curious but ... they made a mistake. God is now untrusted. Little Pete, Astrid's little brother, was the one that the Darkness need. Astrid was confused on two sides, one is for the freedom of the FAYz , and the other, is for Little Pete. If Little Pete belongs to the Darkness, then it would free the rest. 
           What would Astrid do? She's now at a crossroad. Nowhere to go. No decision to make. Will the FAYz get to see their parents once again? Will Sam and Caine even? Will.. the Darkness being destroyed? There are plenty of choices and conflicts going on here. People got no-one to trust. Children .. are surviving without their parents. What will happen next? Read it and enjoy it like I did. What will happen next in the next episode.. "Fear"?

Monday, May 21, 2012

NR#13: Lies (Gone series)

    Seven months. Still. Gone. Hunger. Nothing change. Sam Temple is confused because he doesn't get his heart and he doesn't know if he still can handle being a leader of the FAYz (Fallout Adults Youth) anymore. On the other side, Caine, is surprised that his girlfriend, Diana, told him to give up on the war between himself and Sam. She told him that the hunger is gaining and all they need is food. If they keep fighting, things won't go well.
   Orsay, a only girl who can talk to the FAYz's parents, had talked to Sam's mother and she knew where is she. Another person had disappeared, Francis. Nerezza, Orsay's twin, said that Astrid is using Howard and others to tell lies to trick Sam. However, Orsay, on the other hand, doesn't seem to be trustful with her twin's opinion.
   Drake, the person who had been defeated by Caine and Sam, had came back from the death. Drake - the person who Sam fears of - had came back from the death to kill Sam. Things are going nowhere. No directions or instructions to follow. Astrid is now dealing with the Town Council; Sam against Drake. According to Drake, the only way to free the FAYz is the death. Kids are getting desperate. They still don't believe that death would let them to freedom. Obviously. They don't. 
   Will the statement be true? Will the death be the only key to unlock the freedom of the FAYz? Things are getting mixed-up. So many things to deal with. Especially for the FAYz. They are only kids or young adults. Too young to understand how hard it is. Read this book to find out what will happen to the FAYz? Will the freedom belong to them or the desperation?

NR#12: Dragon Rider

     Firedrake, the dragon who was heard from a rat named Rosa, that the humans will try to eliminate all of the dragons by flooding their valleys. The eldest dragon of the group of dragons claimed that the only way to safe all of the dragons is heading to the great valley, the Rim of Heaven because he thinks that it is the only place that dragons can hide away from the humans. Firedrake took Sorrel, a brown cat, with him along the journey and Rosa suggested them to arrive to her cousin, Gilbert, to pick up the map.
     Along the journey, they passed by the humans' towns. Suddenly, they caught the eyes of a boy named Ben. First, they were so frightened because they thought that he will kill them alive. However, Ben was so surprised that that was the first time he saw a dragon before. From there, Sorrel and Firedrake confirmed to take Ben as their company. They've finally got the map from Gilbert. 
     Now, they had to pass through many hostile environments to reach to the edge of the Rim of Heaven. There, they saw a Dragon's Cave and met a she-Dragon, Maia. Maia was the only dragon who is still living in the cave. The journey is still on. Times had passed. Will the group of friends make it to the Rim of Heaven or they just going to surrender? Will Firedrake let the human flood his valleys? What will happen to Ben if the humans find out that he is cooperating with the dragon to lead them to a safety place? Read this book and find out. Let the book turn you into a character in the book and let it bring you surprises. Love it and enjoy reading it like I did.

NR#10: Hunger (Gone series)

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

NR#11: That Summer

  Haven, a fifteenth-year-old girl, suddenly felt mixed up by everything. Her dad's new marriage, her sister's, and her parents' divorced. She suddenly felt a big change and she thought that life is going to fast.
  She began to be curious about who she is and where is she come from. Soon, Haven became very sassy. She started to yell at her sister for dumping her ex-boyfriend and got a new marriage. Also, she started to be impolite to her mom because her mom should stand up for her dad's new marriage, instead of holding that hurtful feeling.
  Besides, Haven didn't know how to control her over-reacting habit. She couldn't control what's she doing. Once, she blamed her sister for breaking her ex-boyfriend, Summer, 's heart. She started to go out with Summer and Summer was back to Haven's life and charmed her.
  Things are going too hard for Haven at this age. Haven needs to learn how to behave in a good way. This is also caused by the marriage of her dad with his new wife. Will Haven become better or even worse than what she'd done. Read this book and find out. This book was written by Sarah Dessen, a well-known author who usually writes books for teenagers. Enjoy those books that she wrote and also this novel.  

Friday, May 11, 2012

NR#9: Gone

I use many effects to make this image stand out a little bit. From your observation, you can see that I divided the picture into two sides. One is representing the good side (Sam and Astrid) and the other is representing the dark side (Diana and Caine). Caine and Sam are brothers but Sam hadn't noticed that before. They are having fight and many people died because Caine has been torturing them for making Sam surrender. Diana is on Caine's side because she is deeply fall on him so she would do everything for him, even die for him. Astrid is a kind teenager. She helps those children who has no parents beside because people from fifteen year-old above suddenly disappeared, include parents. So now the invasion is on. Winners? Losers? No one know.. Read and find out.

Thursday, May 10, 2012

NR#8: Eragon

I love this book so much because it listed out some good traits of the main character. This book made me so into reading it because there were so many different conflicts that brought me into some different dimensional world. I used visualizing a lot while reading this book because I visualized the dragon and how it looks like. This book 2 days but each day, I read more than an hour to finish this book because I couldn't stop reading. This book brought me so many ideas of how to write a good adventurous novel to get the audiences' interests.
I used lots of textures and it became very messed up. I like how the author describes the setting in a very realistic way. I really love this book. I usually read about vampires and loves' books, but now, I challenged myself for an adventurous book and guess what? I love it so much <3

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

NR#7: Wake

NR#6: DemonGlass

I chose this kind of image because I think that all of the characters that I made all showed different traits that appear on their faces. Also, those kinds all have some styles of making them. If you want them to be adventurous or fancy, you can choose different outfits or hairstyles. For this, I chose an outfit of bravery and adventurous because Sophie was known as a wizard and she usually needs helps from people around her, but for me, inside of her heart, she is a brave girl. During the Hex Hall's Episode, Sophie had encouraged her friend to cheer up because everyone thought that she was a murder for killing three people.

NR#5: Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince

Lord Voldermort had returned. Meanwhile, Dumbledore was being called to arrive Harry from his uncle and aunt's house and then both of them arrive to Weasley's house, Harry was getting stayed at there for the entire summer and he got to go to the same school with the family's daughter. Around that time, Harry and his friends got back their exam results. Harry got an excellent grade in Anti-Dark Arts, and five good grades which also included Transfiguration, Spells and Potions. Before heading to school , the group of friends were led to buy some furniture equipments at Diagon Alley and suddenly, they met with the Malfoys mother. Harry soon met the Minister of Magic, Rufus Scrimgeour, and was told to use his reputation to raise people up. But Harry regreted from doing that because Rufus was acting mean and cruel to Harry's headmaster, Dumbledore. Later on, Dumbledore was being controlled by Malfoy at the time when he found out the "Dark Mark". Harry was trying to fight against Snape and suddenly, he realized that Snape "is" the Half-Blood Prince (because his mother's last name is "Prince"). What will happen next between Harry fighting against the "Half-Blood Prince"? What will happen to the destiny of Dumbledore? Read now and find out the ending. I really like how J.K.Rowling wrote this book with many interesting adventures and magnificent conflicts. She used many synonyms and new vocabulary words to replace or to make the story sounds more excited. Read now and find out about the war between the legendary student, Harry Potter, against the Half-Blood Prince. Who will take the victory?