Tuesday, February 28, 2012

NR #5: Blue Moon [The Immortals] - Choice 2

I've finished the book "Blue Moon" in the collection of "The Immortals" and it was written by Alyson Noel. My friend, Jenny (Block 7A Language Arts) introduced me this collection of Alyson Noel. I read the book "Evermore" and I've found out this episode was very interesting because it contained many exciting scenes that you won't want to miss it. This episode is about Ever was having a crush on Damen and she've killed Damen's ex-wife, Drina, because she loved Damen so much. Damen made Ever immortal just like him. One day, a new kid named Roman came to their school and he poisoned Damen because he planned to kill him and Ever. Damen forgot who Ever is and he began to date a girl named Stacia which is making his power weakening. Ever went on a journey to Summerland to find out the secrets of Damen and her family who got killed by an accident. But Ever could only choose one of them. She decided to choose Damen because she didn't want him to die because of her. Ever met Roman and she saw Damen is lying on a bed, fainter and fainter. Ever cried and told Roman to kill her instead because she doesn't want Damen to die. Roman said that he needs Ever's one blood's drop to make a medicine that could help Damen. Ever stared at Damen and she saw he was breathing hardly and suddenly, he stopped breathing. She ran toward him and cried so hard. The tears was running down on her face and suddenly, it made Damen came awake again. Roman was so angry so he disappeared in the dark light. Damen was awaken but luckily, he forgot all of the bad things which happened and fortunately, he remembered his love, Ever, again. This is a very meaningful book to me and I'd recommend you to read it. It would blow your mind out!

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